Scorpion Zodiac Bracelet (वृश्चिक राशि)

Wrist Size S - 6.5 inches (Women) M - 7.5 inches (Men/Women) L - 8.5 inches (Men)

Crystals Used: Labradorite · Malachite 

Rulers: Pluto & Mars

Benefits Of Scorpion Zodiac Bracelet

Labradorite is a stone that balanced all the chakras, but especially resonates with the Crown. It enhances the intuition, provides protection and helps with journeys in to the astral realms. Labradorite also relieves anxiety and soothes emotions, which is highly important for the sensitive Scorpio.

Malachite is a stone of the Heart that helps one go deep in to the Heart to emotional trauma. This can be helpful for Scorpios in finding the root cause if any emotional triggers they may have. Healing these triggers can help Scorpios not be so quick to lash out, which can have damaging effects in relationships. Malachite relationship with the Heart Chakra also makes it a valuable companion in healing any unresolved trust issues.

Which Hand To Wear The Scorpion Zodiac Bracelet?

Projective Side (Right hand for the majority of people): Place your crystal bracelet on this side when you want to send its power outward and give its healing properties to others or your environment.

Receptive Side (left hand for the majority of people): Place your crystal bracelet on this side when you want to personally receive its healing energy and enjoy an internal benefit.

Please keep in mind that Energy healing tools are here to help you, guide you and give you the support you need, but they can't do the work for you. There is no shortcut for hard work!

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