Crystals Used: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Lapiz Lazuli, Jade, Clear Quartz
Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz is known to heal the heart chakra. It heals your emotional trauma and provides you with a deep sense of compassion and care. It also increases emotional bonding and promotes healthy relationships.
Amethyst - Amethyst is known to heal and purify energy around it. It will help you get rid of negative thoughts and will bring humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom.
Lapiz Lazuli - Lapis Lazuli helps in promoting your personal growth and health. It increases self-awareness and controls anger. It also boosts harmony in relationships and attracts success, promotion, and recognition. It helps fight insomnia, reduces dizziness, and balances cardiac rhythm.
Jade - Jade is known to eliminate fear and comfort and encourages the feeling of kindness. It helps your heart to find compassion and guides you in making the right decisions, balances emotions and gives modest and clear ideas. It opens your mind to new avenues.
Clear Quartz - Clear Quartz helps in cleansing the chakras and opens the intuition, attracting wealth, prosperity, and success. It also brings joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm. It also raises self-esteem and self-confidence.
How to Wear:
- clean the bracelet with cold running water (01st time only)
- leave the bracelet overnight under the moonlight to charge the crystals
- next morning, after taking shower, wear your bracelet in your right hand with positive intentions. (Make your intentions as specific as possible but keep them realistic)
It is recommended to incorporate daily meditation along with wearing the crystals.
Care Instructions: Clean the bracelet with cold running water. Do not soak. Always remove it before taking a shower. The base of the bracelet is elastic hence do not apply excess pressure.
Authentication: You will receive an authentication certificate with this product.